Hello! And welcome back to Top Ten Tuesday, a blog meme hosted by The Artsy Reader Girl This is something I have been really loving doing and I’m so happy I have decided to join a blog meme! Each of these books have less than 2,000 rating on Goodreads, so if you have read one of these please head over to Goodreads and check it out! (I also have pre-written this post in January so by the time it comes out the ratings might have changed.)

Amount Ratings on 1/14/19- 410

Amount of Ratings on 1/14/19-284

Amount of Ratings on 1/14/19-353

Amount of Ratings on 1/14/19-494

Amount of Ratings on 1/14/19- 909

Amount of Ratings on 1/14/19- 132

Amount of Ratings on 1/14/19- 343

Amount of Ratings on 1/14/19- 1,447

Amount of Ratings on 1/14/19- 609

Amount of Ratings on 1/14/19-445