Sunny Lewin has been packed off to Florida to live with her grandfather for the summer. At first she thought Florida might be fun — it is the home of Disney World, after all. But the place where Gramps lives is no amusement park. It’s full of . . . old people. Really old people.
Luckily, Sunny isn’t the only kid around. She meets Buzz, a boy who is completely obsessed with comic books, and soon they’re having adventures of their own: facing off against golfball-eating alligators, runaway cats, and mysteriously disappearing neighbors. But the question remains — why is Sunny down in Florida in the first place? The answer lies in a family secret that won’t be secret to Sunny much longer. . .
I have really been loving reading graphic novels lately and this was one of the first ones I read in December. Middle Grade graphic novels is WHERE ITS AT guys!
The pictures in this novel are so fun and cute! And the story line is a bit intense. Sunny is sent to live with her grandfather over the summer because her parents need to be spend the summer helping her brother who is suffering from an addiction. I think this story does an AMAZING job at explaining to children what living with a sibling who is an addict. I really enjoyed it.