A 20-something bachelor bartender becomes an unlikely parent when an ex-girlfriend leaves a baby girl on his doorstep. (synopsis from freeform.com)

This past Monday, May 21st was the shows 100th episode and the series finale. Freeform has ended the series in order to make room for the black-ish spinoff, college-ish. Let me say this now before getting into the review of the show as a whole, I am very nervous that the spin off will suck and then they will have canceled this series for no reason.
I have been watching Baby Daddy for a while now, and I love it. I love the story line of it, watching Ben Wheeler (played by Jean-Luc Bilodeau) find out how to raise an adorable daughter. We watch Emma (who is played by a set of twins) grow up. We watch as Riley finds true love, Danny learns that he is more than a pretty face, Tucker finds his footing and Mrs Wheeler, well she’ll always be crazy, become a better mom than she was in the pilot.
I loved the show. The acting wasn’t top level, but it didn’t suck either. The lines were funny and quick, making it a light show to watch. The actors played so well off of each other, making you feel like you were watching a real group of friends find their paths in life. I love how Danny, Ben and Riley have known each other basically forever.
One thing about the show that I really didn’t like was how stupid they made Danny. I understand that he is supposed to be your stereo-typical hockey player, but I do know a professional hockey player and he is no where near that stupid. I know that this is not the case with every hockey player, but it just bothered me so much how stupid they made him.
I wish we would be getting more seasons. I want to see what happens with Ben and Elle, Danny and Riley’s relationship, and all of the other characters on the show.
If you are looking for a fun show to watch, then I highly recommend this one.