Not many things have changed in our beloved town of “Stars Hollow.” Lorelai is still sarcastic, the Gilmore girls still quote pop culture and the diner is still running. But they don’t drink as much coffee as they used to, not as many pop tarts were eaten, and Lorelai didn’t have as much pizza as she used to.
(If you’re wondering there were twenty-one cups of coffee drank in the whole four-part mini-series. Twenty-one, that’s it.)
Almost everyone for the original cast was back some point, Max Medina never comes back, which does bother me because he did play a large role in the Lorelei’s lives. But the lesser important and totally creepy Tristan does make a comeback. Even though the actual Tristan (Chad Michael Murray) never showed up we do see a profile shot of a CMM look alike. Paris is the same, still as uptight and in your face as she was before. And she still freaks own she catches sight of Tristan.
Chilton looks the same, but the set this time around is much more obvious that it’s on a back lot in Burbank. Emily and Kirk on the other hand, have changed big time. Kirk has much more personality and Emily has started to become her own person while she copes with the death of Richard.
The absence of Edward Herman, Richard Gilmore, was felt throughout the whole show. His seat in both the living room and dining room were empty, making you feel like he was going to walk in at any moment and surprise everyone.
While, I did love being transported back to this world there were things I could have lived without. Such as the obnoxious musical sequence that was ten minutes long when it should have been ten seconds at most and why was Emily so horrible? After all Lorelai and Emily have been through, why is she still so horrible to her? And Rory was very un-Rory like, she’s all over the place and not exactly sure who she is.
My favorite part out of the whole thing was when The Life and Death Brigade showed up. I have always had a soft spot for Colin, Finn and Logan. There’s something about their charm and childish-ness that makes me fall completely in love with them. The guys: Colin, Finn, Robert and Logan all returned for one last hurrah with Rory.(Was Robert even in the original show? I don’t remember him at all.) They show up in their monkey masks, whisking her away on an adventure that at first looks like it’s something out of dream sequence but then Rory and so do we, realize harshly that its reality and has to say goodbye to them.
As a die-hard Gilmore Girls fan, I believe that this four part mini-series does wrap up all loose ends but does leave things open; giving us hope that a true revival series based on Rory will be coming. All in all, I rate this five out of five cups of Luke’s Diner coffee.