It’s summer romance and second chances, the songs that stay in your head, and the boy you’ll never forget.
Two years after rock-song-worthy heartbreak, Virginia Miller is looking forward to a fun, carefree summer. Her friends just landed a spot on a battling bands reality show, and Vee is joining them for her dream internship on tour. Three months with future rockstars seems like an epic summer plan. Until she learns she’ll also be sharing the bus with Cam. Her first love, and her first heartbreak. Now Vee has more than just cameras to dodge, and Cam’s determination to win her forgiveness is causing TMZ-worthy problems for both of them. With cameras rolling, she’ll have to decide if her favorite breakup anthem deserves a new ending. And if she’s brave enough to expose her own secrets to keep Cam’s under wraps.
Before I jump into the review, I want to thank the author Jessica Pennington for sending me a copy back in December when she ran a holiday giveaway of 13 books! Which is still pretty mindblowing to me that I won 13 books!
Virginia A.K.A. Vee has always wanted to be a musician but didn’t know how to get over her stage fright. Cam helped her become who she wanted to be while helping him become a new version of himself. But he ruins it, causing the one person he cares about to want absolutely nothing to do with him. Until they are forced together and have to relive everything that happened, while growing into a new relationship.
I love all books that take place during the summer, so this is no different. The characters are fun to get to know, the writing is great. I love how its told from alternating points of view giving us two timelines, one that is what is happening currently and the other one that is what happens before.
The characters develop throughout this story into adults. When we first meet them, they are all high schoolers and then they grow to college age while Vee is the only one who actually attends college out of the characters. I love being able to have more college aged characters in YA because college kids read YA too.
I was hooked on this book within the first few chapters. I couldn’t put it down, I loved it.
I usually hate when the parents aren’t involved at all in YA, but this was a book where I didn’t feel that we needed the parents. This book isn’t about kids who are living at home and constantly with their parents. While Vee’s parents are important in her life, I didn’t mind seeing her on her own. We got to really get to know her without having her being overshadowed by her parents.
I think my favorite part of the story is the grandmas. Both Vee and Cam go to visit their respective grandmas in the nursing home. The past year, I would go every Thursday afternoon with my mom to visit my grandfather at his nursing home. It was a part of our routine, its moments I won’t ever forget.
If you’re looking for a fun summer read, this one should 100% be added to your TBR. It’s a great, fun, amazing, read.