Winter Break super-secret perfect cocoa recipe:
8 oz steamed whole milk (no skim! doesn’t work!)
2 tbsp. dark cocoa powder (big scoops)
1 tbsp. sugar (can’t be too sweet)
4 dried, crushed mint leaves (or 1 tbsp. mint syrup)
Stir thoroughly. Add mint swizzle stick. Combine with cute ski instructor, or brother’s cute best friend, or cute guy you never noticed was so cute…Enjoy. (taken from goodreads.com)
I love rom-com books! I love these cozy books about friendship and romance, and this was no different.
I love the ones that take place during winter break or summer vacation, there is something so fun about the books that take place during vacation!
This was fun to read, the setting of the mountains and the bonding of all of the characters!
If you’re looking for fun, cute and wintery romance you should check this out!