Winnie knows that change isn’t all it’s cracked up to be, especially when it means her best friend, Amanda, might be dropping her for someone else. Throw in a grumpy teenage sister, a cat who gets trapped in the wall, and a crush who has pinkeye, and you’ve got one big mess–one that Winnie’s not going to clean up! Winnie’s decided that she’s going to remain exactly the same, no matter what the rest of the world does. But every month brings crazy adventures. A lot can change in a year . . .maybe even Winnie. (synopsis from goodreads.com)
I have always loved Lauren Myracle’s books and this was SO STINKING CUTE! I have read Twelve, Thirteen and Thirteen Plus One. I dont know why I had never read Eleven before but now that I have read it, I LOVE IT.
Winnie and her friends are going through the growing pains of being at the end of elementary school, they are in fifth and sixth grade through out the book. Winnie and her best friend, Amanda, are growing in different ways and slowly they start making different friends and having different interests.
Winnie’s voice is genuine, and I love seeing her relationships throughout the book develop. Winnie and her friends and family grow in different ways and I loved this!
I’m very excited to re-read the rest of the series!