For seventeen-year-old Maya, the equation for happiness is simple: a dream internship at MIT + two new science nerd friends + a perfect boyfriend = one amazing summer. Then Whit dumps her out of the blue.
Maya is miserable until she discovers that her scientist mother, before she died, was conducting research on manipulating pheromones to enhance human attraction. If Maya can finish her mother’s work, maybe she can get Whit back. But when her experiment creates chaos in her love life, she realizes that maybe love and loss can’t be understood using the scientific method. Can she learn to trust the unmeasurables of love and attraction instead?
Before I jump into my review, I want to say thank you so much to HMH Teen for sending me an ARC. I filled out their blogger request form (which you can find on their website) and I really didn’t think I was going to get accepted, and a few weeks later this showed up at my house!
Maya’s life has turned on its head when her mom dies and her boyfriend broke up with her, leaving her lost more than before. So when she finds an old project of her moms that could possibly hold the key to getting her boyfriend back she uses it to her advantage.
At first I didn’t like this book so much, I found it to be very slow but as soon as the experiment started picking up momentum, the book went from a two star to a three star. This is obviously the authors debut novel, from the way the novel is written.
I found the writing to be drawn out and boring. I felt antsy when reading certain parts of the book, hoping more would happen.
Her ex-boyfriend sucks. I think Whit isn’t worth her time at all and I found that the fact that she didn’t tell her other subjects what was going on to be illegal. I did like Kyle and Yael.
I think Yael was one of my favorites because my best friend is named Yael. But I just didn’t find this to be the best book I have read. I wouldn’t recommend it, which is a shame because I was hoping to really love this book.